![]() + Imprimatur, Eduardus Card. MacCabe, 1883 STATION I. JESUS IS CONDEMNED TO DEATH ![]() V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. R. Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.
My Jesus, often have I signed thy death-warrant by my sins; save me by Thy death from that death eternal which I deserve.
V. Our Father, etc. Hail Mary, etc.R. Have mercy on us, O Lord. V. Have mercy on us. STATION II. JESUS CARRIES HIS CROSS ![]() V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. R. Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world. My Jesus, who by Thy own will didst take on Thee the heavy cross which I made for Thee by my sins; O make me know the weight of them, and sorrow for them ever while I live. R. Have mercy on us, O Lord. V. Have mercy on us. STATION III. JESUS FALLS THE FIRST TIME ![]() V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. R. Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.
My Jesus, the heavy burden of my sins has made thee fall beneath the cross. My Jesus, I loathe them I detest them; I beseech Thee to pardon them; aided by Thy grace I will never commit them anymore.
V. Our Father, etc. Hail Mary, etc.R. Have mercy on us, O Lord. V. Have mercy on us. STATION IV. JESUS MEETS HIS SORROWFUL MOTHER ![]() V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. R. Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.
Jesus, most suffering! Mary, Mother, most sorrowful! if for the past by sin I have caused you pain and sorrow, yet by divine grace it shall be so no more, but I will love you faithfully until death.
V. Our Father, etc. Hail Mary, etc.R. Have mercy on us, O Lord. V. Have mercy on us. STATION V. SIMON HELPS JESUS TO CARRY THE CROSS ![]() V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. R. Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.
My Jesus, happy was that man of Cyrene, who aided Thee to bear the cross. Happy shall I be if I too aid Thee to bear the cross, by suffering with patience and good-will the crosses Thou shalt send me during life. My Jesus, give me grace to do so.
V. Our Father, etc. Hail Mary, etc.R. Have mercy on us, O Lord. V. Have mercy on us. STATION VI. VERONICA WIPES THE FACE OF JESUS ![]() V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. R. Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.
Jesus, most compassionate, who didst deign to print thy sacred countenance upon the towel with which Veronica wiped the sweat from off Thy brows, print in my soul deep, I pray Thee, the lasting memory of Thy most bitter pains.
V. Our Father, etc. Hail Mary, etc.R. Have mercy on us, O Lord. V. Have mercy on us. STATION VII. JESUS FALLS THE SECOND TIME ![]() V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. R. Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.
My Jesus, often have I sinned and by sin often made Thee fall beneath the cross. Help me to use such efficacious means of grace, that I may never fall again into sin.
V. Our Father, etc. Hail Mary, etc.R. Have mercy on us, O Lord. V. Have mercy on us. STATION VIII. THE WOMEN OF JERUSALEM WEEP OVER JESUS ![]() V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. R. Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.
My Jesus, who didst comfort the pious women of Jerusalem, who wept to see Thee so tormented, comfort my soul with Thy mercy, for in Thy mercy alone is my sole trust. Oh, may I never frustrate it!
V. Our Father, etc. Hail Mary, etc.R. Have mercy on us, O Lord. V. Have mercy on us. STATION IX. JESUS FALLS THE THIRD TIME ![]() V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. R. Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.
My Jesus, by all the bitter pains Thou didst endure, when a third time Thou didst fall beneath the heavy cross, oh! never, never let me fall away, but rather let me die than ever mortally sin again!
V. Our Father, etc. Hail Mary, etc.R. Have mercy on us, O Lord. V. Have mercy on us. STATION X. JESUS IS STRIPPED OF HIS GARMENTS ![]() V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. R. Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.
My Jesus, who wast stripped of Thy clothes, and drenched with gall, strip me of love for things of earth, and make me loathe all that savours of the world and sin.
V. Our Father, etc. Hail Mary, etc.R. Have mercy on us, O Lord. V. Have mercy on us. STATION XI. JESUS IS NAILED TO THE CROSS ![]() V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. R. Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.
My Jesus, by those agonizing pains thou didst endure when the cruel nails pierced Thy tender hands and feet, and fixed them to the cross, O make me ever crucify my flesh with the spirit of true Christian penance.
V. Our Father, etc. Hail Mary, etc.R. Have mercy on us, O Lord. V. Have mercy on us. STATION XII. JESUS DIES ON THE CROSS ![]() V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. R. Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.
My Jesus, three hours didst Thou hang in agony upon the cross, and then didst die for me; let me die before I sin again, and if I live, may I live to love Thee and serve Thee faithfully.
V. Our Father, etc. Hail Mary, etc.R. Have mercy on us, O Lord. V. Have mercy on us. STATION XIII. JESUS IS TAKEN DOWN FROM THE CROSS ![]() V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. R. Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.
Mary, Mother most sorrowful, the sword of grief pierced thy soul when thou didst see thy dear Son Jesus lying lifeless in thy bosom; ask for me hatred of sin, which was the cause of his death, and made thee suffer so much; and then obtain for me grace to live a true Christian life, and save my soul.
V. Our Father, etc. Hail Mary, etc.R. Have mercy on us, O Lord. V. Have mercy on us. STATION XIV. JESUS IS LAID IN THE SEPULCHRE ![]() V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. R. Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.
My Jesus, with Thee in the tomb I desire that I may ever remain as one dead; and if I live, I wish to live only to Thee, that so one day I may come with Thee to taste the bliss of heaven, the fruit of Thy passion and most painful death. Amen.
V. Our Father, etc. Hail Mary, etc.R. Have mercy on us, O Lord. V. Have mercy on us. LET US PRAY.
O GOD, who by the precious blood of Thy only begotten Son didst sanctify the standard of the cross, grant, we beseech Thee, that those whose joy is in the same holy cross, may rejoice also everywhere in Thy protection: through the same Christ our Lord.